Signs That You Direly Need Water Well Repair

June 28, 2021

A private well is a valuable asset for millions of households in the United States. Residents use water well for drinking and washing. But even if you haven't used your water well for a while, don't worry. Take proactive action and hire an expert who can inspect various components in your well. Learn about the signs that alert you to seek professional well repair services.

Constantly Cycling Pump

A functional pump helps in extracting water from the well. If the pump runs continuously, its lifespan might be coming to an end. Also, it could be damaged, leading to non-stop functioning. In other circumstances, leaks in the water line cause a short cycle in the well pump. An expert will inspect the components for quality repairs or replacement if the pump is old.

Discolored Water

Your well should provide clean water, which is safe for use and consumption. When you open your faucet and discover discolored water, you often need water well repair. The root cause of the problem is contaminants in the water source. Also, if the well hasn't been in use for quite some time, you will often draw dirty water.

Avoid using discolored water as it poses safety and health risks. Sometimes, discolored water also comes with an unpleasant taste and smell, indicating massive corrosion.

What contaminants will you often find in an unused well?

Harmful Bacteria

Hazardous bacteria, such as E. coli, enter the well due to their proximity to a flooded septic system or livestock manure. The bacterium is dangerous to human beings of all ages. People who are older in age can especially suffer adverse effects when they drink water infested with E. coli.


Arsenic stems from fertilizers and pesticides. The chemical finds its way to the well if the cap doesn't properly fit. Arsenic is toxic and can cause cancers of the lungs, bladder, and skin. The element can accumulate in the body when you consume contaminated water for an extended period.


Nitrates originate from herbicides, chemical fertilizers, and livestock manure. Usually, nitrates infiltrate your well as groundwater contaminants. In high quantities, nitrates harm young animals and children. A water pump inspection can detect nitrates levels in your well.

Strange Noises

Vibrations often indicate a malfunctioned pump that causes pipes to shake. On the flip side, banging or groaning sounds are often signs of faulty bearings in the well pump. Grinding noises emanate from issues within the pump motor. Look out for the peculiar sounds, and call a well expert for immediate action.

Low Water Pressure

When water pressure reduces, the pump could have issues, or the well could be running dry. In addition, a stuck valve is another reason why water pressure has become low. An inspection can determine the precise problem for the right service. If the pump doesn't work correctly, a specialist can repair or replace it.

Frequent Air From the Pipes

When you turn your tap on and air comes through first, there is usually a mishap in the connection. Usually, a defective valve or misplaced well pump leads to air emission when you open the faucet. First, a well driller diagnoses the exact spot where the air has entered the waterline. The next step is to fix the connection system for a smooth flow.

High Power Bills

A surge in energy consumption often points to an underlying problem in the pump. The primary cause is old or clogged pumps that cycle without a halt to maintain the water pressure. Consequently, the strain often results in high power costs at the end of the month. The ultimate solution is to fix equipment failure to reduce utility bills.

Your well needs proper care to offer you clean and safe water all year long. If your well exhibits the signs above, contact us for quality repairs.

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