5 Signs That Your Water Well Is Running Dry

April 30, 2021

A faulty well pump is usually the main culprit behind water well issues. But did you know that a dry well can also cause water supply issues in your home? The results of a dry well can be devastating, mainly if you depend on the well for your residential water needs.
But how do you know that your water well is about to run dry? This article highlights the five main signs to watch out for. 
1. When the Water Is Muddy or Sandy
Mud or sand in your well water could be an apparent indication that your well is almost dry. Usually, the lowest part of a well contains mud or sand. When the water level in the well goes down, the water pumps suck the mud every time you turn them on because there's no water.  Initially, you may not notice the presence of mud or sand in the water if your pump has a filtration system. But with time, the mud may build up on the pump filters and reduce the amount of water you get. When you notice mud in your water or the filters block up, schedule a well inspection to check the water level in the well.
2. When the Water Taste Changes
You should not ignore any slight taste in your well water. A change in taste could mean that the level of water in the well is shallow. As the water level goes down, your pump sucks the sediments at the bottom, and that's why you might notice a change in the usual taste of your water.
At times, the water can be characterized by a change in color too. Unless you have excellent filtration systems, you should not use the well water with weird tastes and colors. You should first find out the cause of the water taste change and fix the issue.
3. When the Pump's Performance Changes
The performance of water pumps depends on their brand, type, location, and even the pump motor size. Since you know your water pump's overall performance, you should quickly realize a change in its performance. Change in sound is the most unmistakable change that you can notice when the pump is about to run dry.
Also, your water pump may start to go off shortly after you turn the pump on. Similarly, your pump might become more active than before by pumping water for an extended period. Prolonged pumping hours indicate that the water pump is struggling to get water from the well, which means that your well water could have fallen below the required level.
4. When the Faucets Are Dry or Blow Air
Dry faucets could mean that your well is dry or the level of water is shallow. However, dry faucets could also mean that there is an issue with your plumbing system. If the faucets are in excellent condition and there's no problem with your plumbing systems, then you should check the level of water in your well. 
5. When Your Neighbors Experience the Same Issue
You should consult your neighbors whenever you experience low water pressure or any other issue related to well water. If you all share the well water, your neighbors should also notice the same issues as you. You can then conclude that the well water is running dry if your neighbors have the same sentiments. 

Most of the signs above could also imply another problem with the well or the pump systems. To clear the doubts, seek expert help to know the cause of the water supply issue. Brown & Cox offers well drilling and inspection services. Contact us anytime if you notice the above signs or any other well water supply issues.

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